Easy Win

There is hard labor.
There is easy work.

Athletes refer to the swing zone as a stage of effort where ease takes over cruising towards victory.

The biblical writers referred to such as grace.

It is the grand exchange of one's weakness with Christ's enduring strength.

BCC Three-on-Three Champions / with Tasheba Butler, Jeremy Ramilo, & Marco Pineda

Birthday Girl

It is Nika's birthday today.

It was just like yesterday when I stood speechless cradling her in my arms a few seconds right after birth.

It will remain a sacred mystery on how this young lady leverages the cloth of Christ in all she does.

I praise God for the beautiful gift that you are to us.

Clothed in Wonder Land

Earl Klugh

God's musical craftsmanship is indescribably staggering.

In my on-going artistry, no one has quite surpassed the thematic influence of the jazz guitarist Earl Klugh.

It is such a wonder how strummed strings elevate one's affections towards good.

Last night, I was one-on-one with the iconic genius.

Handpicked was I when he played the classic Heart Strings just ten feet away.


Earl Klugh set my ears towards the nuance of jazz.

The improvisations of music reflect the amazing dexterity of God in turning twists and turns into a concert tapestry.

Everything works together for good for those who are in Christ.

Yes, even for snapped strings such as I. 

Sketch: David Talaguit / Finding Klugh based on my Sunday Sermon: All Things New / Book of Revelation Chapter 21


Every summer, my church holds a Daily Vacation Bible School that features a distinct gospel theme.

Each year, a petite Romanian girl and her sister living at the condominium next block gets drop off by their parents.

I have seen the miracle of a slow but steady witness turn lil' Mimi into a fine young lady.

Her cruciform began with a few steps leading to the house of God.


Upper body strength propels the climb from point to point.

But it is the stability of foot traction that provides the crucial balance for the next step.

I find this basic principle informing my daily ascent.

What I know cerebrally must always be augmented by practicality.

When I say I believe in grace.
Mercy must anchor my steps.

Rise and Shine, O my soul!