Thank you for showing Christ through motherhood.
Jo Orpilla with fresh graduate Ard & Family
Oil and Dew
Thoughts & Musings
Thank you for showing Christ through motherhood.
Jo Orpilla with fresh graduate Ard & Family
Thank you for translating Christianity well.
Celia Marcelo with son Jungee
Thank you for rushing towards Christ’s unrelenting redemption.
Gerald Reed with bride MJ
Thank you for staying strong in clear faith.
Luke Waatti with bride Rachel
Thank you for your gracious integrity.
Eddie Hocson with bride Aida
Thank you for your refreshing character.
Khai Reyes Junior Golf Rising Star
Thank you for choosing to stand firm in truth.
Marcus Tortorici with best friend Bee
Thank you for using analytics for His acclaim.
Marjo Batitang with bride Leah
Thank you for demonstrating optimum strength in Christ.
Ed Dames Sportsman & Advertising Guru
Thank you for standing firm in Christ.
Deejay Pagaduan Rockstar Motherhood
Thank you for beaming sweet lumens on and off the stage.
Ysa Salas Critically Acclaimed Artisan
Thank you for trusting the Shepherd of your heart.
Ricky Cruda with bride Carla
Thank you for blooming obedience in Christ.
Rose Torres with husband Orlee
Thank you for your loyal leadership.
Jun Sopoco with daughter Sarah
Thank you for serving shepherds.
Dan Santiago Pastor of Pastors
Thank your for staying strong in His grace and mercy.
David Alexander Miguel with bride Joan
Thank you for hiding beneath His wings.
Alvin Venzon Ministry PowerPoint
Thank you for using your imagination to throw the perfect spiral.
Louie Payan Wise Sportsman
Thank you for loving deep.
Roger Valencia Jr. with bride Mariel
Thank you for leaning in on Christ.
Anette Cookerly with Ysabel
© 2016 Oil and Dew Ltd