Thank you for coaching well.
Jun Tulod with siblings Cathy, Pam, and Sol
Oil and Dew
Thoughts & Musings
Thank you for coaching well.
Jun Tulod with siblings Cathy, Pam, and Sol
Thank you for disrupting traffic.
Lea Bodie with beautiful family
Thank you for making me think about thinking.
Jonathan Hills with beautiful daughters
Thank you for running steady in Christ.
John Salva with bride Christian
Thank you for remaining young in both faith and love.
Natalie Ng with husband David
Thank you for your humble heart of service.
Zion Gasilan with Jonathan and Jeremy Ramilo
Thank you for enduring well.
Remegio Ilustre Distinguished Soldier
Thank you for going against all odds for Jesus.
Ray Stephen Yu Faith Walking Engineer
Thank you for your poised witness.
Emil Alvarado with daughter Arielle and son Rafa
Thank you for leveraging work for Christ’s acclaim.
Romel Leuterio Vocational Genius
Thank you for your integrity with machines and friendship.,
Rob Castro Master Dad and Mechanic
Thank you for your excellent vocation.
Dr. Rodney Gomez Surgeon Par Excellence
Thank you for living deep and wide.
Dr. Apollos Ihedigbo with bride Rose and children
Thank you for your deep virtuosity.
Ed Dimangondayao with bride Nila
Thank you for demonstrating gracious loyalty.
Eric Corpuz Wonderful Dad
Thank you for your steady shot.
Ed Loria Teacher & Baller
Thank you for running towards the gap.
Erwin Dy Lim with Miray’s clan
Thank you for living well outside the box.
Fred Motos with bride Lorna
Thank you for your holy intellect.
Janette Lim with husband Steven
Thank you for standing tall with bold humility.
Shaun Igo with Children
© 2016 Oil and Dew Ltd