Thank you for studying the language of faith.
Dr. Daniel Wallace New Testament Scholar
Oil and Dew
Thoughts & Musings
Thank you for studying the language of faith.
Dr. Daniel Wallace New Testament Scholar
Thank you for digging KONA out of God’s bucket list.
Elizabeth James Rock Star Tri Athlete
Thank you for shooting free throws.
Dr. Richard A. Taylor Director of PhD Studies at Dallas Seminary
Thank you for your passion for spiritual detail.
Dr. Ramesh P. Richard Spiritual Formation Mentor
Thank you for teaching me KeyNotes.
Donald P. Regier Dallas Seminary Media Specialist
Thank you for rousing the poets in us.
Dr. Michael S. Lawson Christian Educator
Thank you for exposing the Word.
Dr. Elliott Johnson Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Seminary
Thank you for breathing theology.
Dr. Glenn R. Kreider Theologian
Thank you for teaching me French and German.
Dr. W. Hall Harris New Testament Scholar
Thank you for overcoming chaos through massive faith.
Dr. John D. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Historical Theology, Research Professor of Theological Studies at Dallas Seminary
Thank you for your steadfast learning.
Dr. Buist M. Fanning New Testament Greek Scholar
Thank you for keeping the prophets sharp.
Dr. Robert B. Chisholm Department Chair and Professor of Old Testament Studies DTS
Thank you for serving kind scholarship.
Dr. D. Scott Barfoot Doctor of Ministry Director at Dallas Seminary
Thank you for showing me the Miracles of Christ.
Dr. Mark L. Bailey President Dallas Seminary
Thank you for staying in Christ’s beauty.
Kara Bianca Diwa Pure Joy Exemplified
Thank you for taking grace pictures.
Lyda McIver Photojournalist
Thank you for igniting my paradigm shift.
Ronald Allen Archaeologist
Thank you for your kind scholarship.
Dr. Eugene Merrill Biblical Scholar
Thank you for living tough.
Wesley Pantoja Free Spirit
Thank you for choosing the mind of Christ.
Martin Villoria with IDMC Singapore delegates
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