Thank you for praying simple hope.
Alex Reyes Sweet Niece
Oil and Dew
Thoughts & Musings
Thank you for praying simple hope.
Alex Reyes Sweet Niece
Thank you for leaning in on hope.
JP Knox bride of the Lamb
Thank you for pouring your heart in the right places.
Dawn Waters Baker Contemporary Artist
Thank you for threading art.
Eugenia Alcaide National Artist
Thank you for helping meet Christ’s advance.
Alpa Grace Cortez Pastor’s Wife
Thank you for cleaving well.
Banjo Navarro with bride Grace Annbelle
Thank you for living graciously.
Grace Chuachiaco with daughter Cathy
Thank you for using your hands towards the gospel.
Matt Chandler Simple Preacher
Thank you for instilling gospel life.
Timothy Keller Gospel Lit
Thank you for defining passion.
Francis Chan Contemporary Saint
Thank you for claiming redemption.
Norie Espaldon Gabuyo with Princess Lin
Thank you for recapturing youth.
Priscilla Co-Lim Daughter of the King
Thank you for resetting the clock.
Vincent Soberano Artisan Par Excellence
Thank you for blessing Manila.
Nika Diwa-Ihedigbo with Favor Church
Thank you for holding mercy and prayers in good grip.
Mara Ceguera Pure in Heart
Thank you for staying.
Ryan Madera with Pie & Zoe
Thank you for throwing the touchdown.
Terrance English with fiancé Ginelle
Thank you for obeying long.
Eugene Peterson Journey Guide
Thank you for your kind name.
Faith Ferrer with friend Michelle
Thank you for capturing segments of wonder.
Jam Bulanadi with incredible family
© 2016 Oil and Dew Ltd