Humans are amphibian—half spirit and half animal.” C S Lewis | The Screwtape Letters
Major Insult
The Insult: God defines success. I was made for a purpose. Whether my life is good or bad, successful or a failure, is determined by whether I fulfill His design.
My instinct is to resist that notion. I want a vote. I fear God selecting a design and me having a preference for something else. I would then be forced to choose between pleasing God and joy. I would be trapped and feel cheated either way.
But this resistance is built upon an assumption – that I could conjure a joy contrary to how God designed me that would be more fulfilling than God’s will. But, when examined, that seems absurd. Could a fishing pole be more satisfied doing anything but catching fish? Why would I want to rebel against my design?
These are the words of C S Lewis.
Other men throw insults daily without the grill of holiness.
But the answer is not to capitulate to the current ‘identity agenda’, and then to enforce it with breast-beating, finger-wagging neo-moralism. Douglas Murray doesn’t like that and neither do I. The answer is teaching and practicing the whole biblical gospel. NT Wright
This is the three-dimensional meaning of ‘justification by faith’: all those who believe in Jesus, rescued by his cross and resurrection and enlivened by his Spirit, are part of the new family. This was and is central, not peripheral. The church was the original multicultural project, with Jesus as its only point of identity. It was known, and was for this reason seen as both attractive and dangerous, as a worship-based, spiritually renewed, multi-ethnic, polychrome, mutually supportive, outward-facing, culturally creative, chastity-celebrating, socially responsible fictive kinship group, gender-blind in leadership, generous to the poor and courageous in speaking up for the voiceless. NT Wright
Only the Spirit of the Living God opens our eyes to what is truly dimensional and substantial. All else is scrap.
Delightful Glee
Tom Bascon. Once in your lifetime, a story is told and your taste buds celebrate with mysterious joy.
Boredom is the gateway to imagination. {AJ Sherill}
Word Fast
The eloquence of silence breaks the hard soil of a noisy soul.
When Reinvention ceases, Redemption begins.
The journey of a thousand miles begins from within.
Calamity passes over the door that is specifically marked with the substance of Christ’s perfect redemption.
The origin of life comes from a source that is not created but curated by the act of creation itself. This is where the first act of God towards all species is declared holy just because He touched them initially.
When a baby cries, it is most likely driven by fear of being abandoned. This happens while the caring parents wait on the other room hoping for the little one just to yield for the much needed rest. The shalom of Christ is just next door. Be still, O little heart.
Pure joy is never a merchandise that forms from construction. It is a construed mercy that stands on pure Grace.
A threefold strand is not quickly broken. {Ecclesiastes 4:12} Biblical Community Church stays in line by being online in Spirit and in Truth.
Christianity was not designed to purvey therapy. It induces the great calamity of soul that sets our trajectory towards Redemption.
Deep Wound
Your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you? {Lamentations 2:13c}
Deep Hole
Two directions confront our daily existence. Always diametrically opposed. One shouts insidiously, the other whispers hope. One gets off the dead end by reversing the depths into the heights of Christ’s Cross.
When we feel like drowning due to some insidious force that shrieks to pin us down, a most unlikely figure shows up, covered and masked by camouflaged flowers.
The nemesis of integrity is to feign concern with a veiled delight in the fall of others.