Winston Groom saw through the jewel of simplicity when he wrote Forrest Gump. In his remarkable portrayal, Tom Hanks wonderfully reenacted little bits of heroisms done on very ordinary days.
I was the invited speaker at a Young Professionals retreat. During the avocational break, we were at a spring pool. There is something about organic ponds that is truly relaxing. Everyone was unguarded and aqua-socializing.
Through the murkiness, I just decided to take some laps. On my third turnaround, my left foot hit some kind of flesh underneath. When my right foot paddled down, it hit the same. I decided to turn and dive through with curiosity.
My wife was a varsity swimmer. She once warned me about the dangers of rescuing drowning persons. A host of good people have been locked in arms of panic to their demise. I totally forgot this lesson.
As I lunged, I felt two hands pull me abruptly with adrenalin force. Before I knew it, there was a face writhed in confusion ... her contorted grab was so tight ... we were plummeting down fast! It was then that I figured to play dead to court her release. When she realized that I was nothing but dead weight, she freed me. I hit rock bottom and while standing at the pool base, I spotted her two restless feet about three inches above my head.
I grabbed both and with whatever little strength I had, propped her up to as high as I could. The leverage was all that she needed to surface her head above water.
When I finally surfaced to the concerted applause of the crowd, the young wife (whom I later learned was three months pregnant), kept on hugging me with gratitude for saving her life.
I was in daze for this. I had nothing to do with the rescue. I was just there ... due to the simplicity of the Life Saver who made sure that three lives be spared that one ordinary day.
It was such a Forrest Gumpy moment.