We own stuff.
At least, that is what we perceive.
We accumulate all sorts of implements to suit our preferences. Our propensity to acquire goods stems from the myth that one has to fend for his own. There lies within us the brokenness of abandon. We seem to share an imaginary shipwrecked existence where islands of goods are necessary. And so the law of supply and demand hums our musical cinematography.
We have been raped by a fatalistic deception. We are made to believe that all provision comes from human toil. To a certain extent, there is some truth in this but there lies a deeper reality: the curse of work has met its cure.
When Christ hung on the cross of Calvary, he declared: τετέλεσται (It is finished!). With his work, our present labor takes on a different meaning. We travail not to secure our lot. We engage in diligent work to anticipate guaranteed blessing.
We enter into a new economy of trust. God gave us His Son. He will never withhold anything less. As we are endowed with gifts and talents, there is an accompanying invitation to consider holy entrepreneurship where we sign up as trustees under God's benefaction.
We recognize true wealth. God owns everything. We receive our calling as stewards. Our stuff is given to facilitate God's incredible magnanimity.
Our Boss owns the wealth of nations.
Adam Smith, the Scottish economist and author of the classic An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, was on point in referring to the Invisible Hand that steers all our transactions to where they ought to be.