
{Pulot is Tagalog for Hand-Picked. The natural slang connotes being redeemed from being lost when applied to animate objects. Such was this delightful kitten's fate. Appropriately, the adopted feline was named Pulot.}

Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now am found
Was blind but now I see

[John Newton 1779]

Photography and redemption (of Pulot) by Renchi Arce

Young Love

Renchi Arce introduced me to the realities of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The aftermath tells of a love story between the Redeemer and the redeemed that never gets old.

One evidence is the staggering spectacle of marriage: it stays young as ever.

Renchi and Joji /  Enduring Love Courtship & Marriage {photography: Vinson Ng}

Common Good

I voted yesterday.

The results are in.

It was a challenging exercise of a given right to reflect Scriptural ethics.

Thus I followed my mentor's good counsel:

So ... how would Jesus vote? His ballot would be cast for that which honors God and allows his creatures to flourish in life and to manage the creation well. His party would pursue the virtue that makes for a stable society and respects that we are all made in God's image. His approach would be to woo the one on the other side to consider a better, more virtuous path. Jesus' vote would not be to create people who function as independents but to have us sincerely seek the path that honors God and his creation. The mutual pursuit of that kind of common good would be good for us all. (Darell L. Bock / How Would Jesus Vote "Do Your Political Positions Really Align with the Bible?)

My precious nieces in observance of a good duty.