Thank you for living out Christ in your home.
Noel Saenz with bride Jazz and daughters
Oil and Dew
Thoughts & Musings
Thank you for living out Christ in your home.
Noel Saenz with bride Jazz and daughters
Thank you for delving deep in words.
Kabel Mishka Ligot Literary Specialist
Thank you for saying yes.
Maria Danielle Soberano-Diwa Blessed Wife
Thank you for your sustained focus toward excellent craftsmanship.
Steve Jobs Apple Craftsman
Thank you for standing firm in love.
Lowry Chua with bride Jeanne
Thank you for your unbridled trust in your Redeemer’s competence.
Maria Anna Elizabeth Valenciano with family
Thank you for modeling unabridged grace.
Anastazcia Gutierrez with twin sister Danah
Thank you for loving deep.
Jojo Joven with Ima
Thank you for your available servanthood.
Noel Pantoja with wife Jennifer
Thank you for demonstrating godly submissiveness.
Mary Waters with husband Larry
Thank you for staying fit in faith.
Carlos Ley with bride Fely
Thank you for your beats for Christ’s acclaim.
Ren Supelana Drummer BCC Heights
Thank you for directing praise to Christ.
Zebedee Zuñiga Musical Director
Thank you for placing the gospel of Christ at the centerpiece.
Megan Markle Duchess of Sussex
Thank you for beaming the light of Christ with fervent joy.
Brenda Baluyot with daughter Kayla
Thank you for writing the script of faith in bold letters.
Jerome Blanco with fiancée Lauren + brother Philip with fiancée Sarah Jo
Thank you for standing resilient in Christ.
Aaron Sopoco with mother Arleen
Thank you for heeding the call to serve alongside a servant.
Pia Soy Pastor’s Wife
Thank you for choosing wonder in walking the faith.
Richelle Joson-Ligot Wonder Woman
Thank you for demonstrating holiness well.
Tammy Schutt with husband Dave
© 2016 Oil and Dew Ltd